Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rig Selection

Designed-in Safety
You may have noticed that cutter rigs dominate the single-handed and crewed races that circumnavigate the globe.

Why? Because they offer greater sail selection  to  deal with a wider range of wind and sea conditions. 

On a cruising yacht, the addition of a furling, self-tending staysail makes it easier to tack the boat under full sail. Because the staysail tacks almost instantly, it is common for the jib to simply slide along the staysail as it too is tacked.

Managing the slot between sails is easier when it can be done with small adjustments between three sails instead of  major ones between two.

Cruisers also like to completely furl the jib and run under the main and the staysail in more active weather. Because the staysail is still close to the mast, they can maintain the slot under reduced sail.

Having a staysail can eliminate the need to rig a stormsail.

A cutter rig affords more options than the sloop rig associated with coastal cruisers. More options translate into more safety and comfort.
Relax and enjoy!

It’s a design safety thing!

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