Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Keel & Rudder Structure

Integral Keel, Lobster Trap
and Rudder

We have all heard stories of boats that hit a submerged object and drop the keel. Not fun.

When asked why he prefers an integral full foil keel, one of the country’s best known designers of cruising yachts simply says, “Because it won’t fall off!”

Keel bolts on a typical
deep keel boat.
Why? Because it is an integral part of the hull. It is laid up as part of the original mold, not bolted on later. There are no keel bolts to come loose or leak.

The rudder is connected to the  full foil keel by a “lobster trap” to protect the prop from becoming entangled in seaweed or other debris.

You do not want to lose a rudder or a keel.
It’s a safety thing, an essential element of the original design.

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